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HR professionals consistently prioritize everyone else. They work tirelessly to create a better workplace for their employees, often without pausing to consider, “What about me?”


That’s where Loghrin Group steps in. We put HR first. Our Solution Partners have identified Micro-Engagements within their respective areas of expertise to set you up to succeed. By prioritizing HR, we enable your team to focus on themselves and consequently to support your workforce more effectively.

Outsourcing HR doesn’t have to be expensive and time-consuming. Sometimes, an extra set of hands to assist with daily tasks — or powerful insights to lead internal teams down a far more efficient path — is all that’s needed. With HR for HR, we make it easy for you to access cost-effective HR expertise at any time.


Each Micro-Engagement is only $2,495 CAD, excluding tax. Read on for more details on how you can easily access the expertise and guidance you need to refuel your HR team.

8BallClarity Logo

Our HR Strategy Solution Partner

HR Strategic Planning

Lean on the expertise of a senior strategic HR consultant to help guide you in the direction of your vision. An external set of eyes provides clarity and puts you at ease ensuring that you’ve aligned your strategic plan with that of the organization, and preparing your workforce for the dynamic landscape ahead. Your priorities and team dynamic are unique and all organizations are at different stages of their journey. As a result, this offering is flexible to address what is most important to you and tasks and deliverables may vary.

  • 60-minute kick-off meeting with key stakeholders to:
    • Understand current landscape; 
    • Share desired future state; and 
    • Identify a structure to efficiently facilitate future sessions.
  • Review Corporate Strategic Plan and HR Strategic Plan.
  • Evaluation of your current and future state.
Deliverable and/or Level of Effort
  • A summary report capturing challenges discussed, as well as any recommendations and/or guidance that emerged.
  • May include the framework of a strategic HR plan if early in your journey. 
  • Level of effort not to exceed 9 hours.
Estimated Timeline
  • Once an agreement is finalized, the client can anticipate a completion date within 60 days. 
Financial Considerations
  • Fee, inclusive of all outlined above, is $2,495 CAD plus applicable taxes.
  • Full amount invoiced upon acceptance and due within 30 days.

Our Leadership Development & Coaching Solution Partner

1-on-1 Coaching Sessions

It’s having someone in your corner who sees the best in you, and supports you in taking action to achieve your vision. Someone who is trained to listen, ask powerful questions, help you get more of what you want in life and have more fun along the way. Sometimes it’s about challenging you to step outside your comfort zone to create the life you desire.

Tasks & Deliverables
  • 4 hours of personalized coaching sessions.
  • Each coaching session is customized specifically for your unique needs and typically looks like this: 
    • 1-on-1 highly confidential 60-minute conversations.
    • Focused on you.
    • Clarifying goals, co-creation of personalized strategies.
    • Taking action between sessions.
Estimated Timeline
  • Once an agreement is finalized, the client can anticipate a completion date within 60 days. 
Financial Considerations
  • Fee, inclusive of all outlined above, is $2,495 CAD plus applicable taxes.
  • Full amount invoiced upon acceptance and due within 30 days.

Change Management Webinar

Expand your knowledge of change and yield powerful results. Participate in this highly interactive webinar and transition from resisting it to embracing change and thriving. The facilitator will draw out your real-life change examples to help you apply the learnings to real-life situations.

Tasks & Deliverables
  • Kick-off meeting with key stakeholders to identify specific change challenges.
  • 3-hour interactive webinar. 
  • Identification of common reasons people resist change.
  • Strategies to embrace and thrive through change.
  • Real-life examples to apply in real-life situations.
Estimated Timeline
  • Once an agreement is finalized, the client can anticipate a completion date within 60 days. 
Financial Considerations
  • Fee, inclusive of all outlined above, is $2,495 CAD plus applicable taxes.
  • Full amount invoiced upon acceptance and due within 30 days.

Personal Resilience Webinar Series

Regain your energy, confidence, and motivation and become burnout-proof in times of change by attending this webinar series. You’ll be provided with insights, techniques, and support to make the changes you want and have more of what you desire. Life in HR is demanding. Set your team up to succeed and minimize the stress they encounter.

Tasks & Deliverables
  • 6 90-minute sessions spread out over 6 weeks.
  • Receive insights, techniques and support.
  • Handouts provided. 
  • Participants complete assignments each week. 
Estimated Timeline
  • Once an agreement is finalized, the client can anticipate a completion date within 60 days. 
Financial Considerations
  • Fee, inclusive of all outlined above, is $2,945 CAD plus applicable taxes.
  • Full amount invoiced upon acceptance and due within 30 days.
Comp Savvy Inc logo

Our Compensation Design Solution Partner

Market Benchmarking Total Rewards

Optimize your competitive position for talent by obtaining market data on cash compensation and an overview of popular benefits / perks for your mission-critical jobs. This package provides relevant total rewards data for market jobs and talent markets that are relevant to your organization’s talent strategy to help you make effective decisions about your pay structures and employee value proposition.

  • 30-minute virtual kick-off meeting with key stakeholders to identify up to 10 jobs to be benchmarked and target labour market details
  • Applicable document review (job descriptions, org charts, compensable factor details, etc.)
  • Identification of appropriate job and market benchmarks in PayScale database
  • Collating of market data for cash compensation rates and prevalence of benefits / perquisites
  • Comparison of client cash compensation ranges to market
  • 30-minute virtual meeting to walk through the benchmarking report / findings
  • MS Excel report containing:
    • Market benchmark data for up to 10 jobs – data cuts include:
      • Up to 2 market percentiles (50th percentile is the default, and clients can select up to one other percentile)
      • Up to 2 locations OR 2 industries / employer types OR employer sizes
    • Comparison of client cash compensation to market for your benchmark jobs
Estimated Timeline
  • Once an agreement is finalized, the client can anticipate a completion date within two – four weeks.
Financial Considerations
  • Fee, inclusive of all outlined above, is $2,495 CAD plus applicable taxes
  • Full amount invoiced upon acceptance and due within 30 days

Our versatile ‘Hands-On’ Solution Partner

Recruitment Process Gap Analysis

Undergo a comprehensive evaluation of your organization’s hiring procedures, designed to enhance efficiency and effectiveness. This package includes an in-depth assessment of the entire recruitment lifecycle, from requisition to onboarding. Recruiters must multitask, and possess various skills, and it’s often emotionally draining. Make certain they are not conducting unnecessary steps throughout the process that don’t yield value.

  • 30-minute kick-off meeting with key stakeholders
  • Stakeholder interviews 
  • industry research
  • Applicable document review
  • Comprehensive evaluation of hiring procedures
  • In-depth assessment of the recruitment lifecycle
  • Analysis report with recommendations to improve hiring procedures
Estimated Timeline
  • Once an agreement is finalized, the client can anticipate a completion date within 60 days 
Financial Considerations
  • Fee, inclusive of all outlined above, is $2,495 CAD plus applicable taxes
  • Full amount invoiced upon acceptance and due within 30 days

HRIS Professional Services

Maximize your HRIS investment by leveraging the expertise of HR professionals at Stoppler Hughes. This isn’t often an exercise that internal teams conduct routinely and the team at Stoppler Hughes has successfully implemented many new HRISs and/or module(s). It’s one less responsibility for your team to concern themselves with and they can better manage their workload and well-being.

  • HRIS assistance is to be used at the client’s discretion
  • Tasks may include:
    • Business requirements gathering
    • HRIS configuration
    • Vendor communication/management 
    • Data migration
    • Stakeholder interviews
Deliverable and/or Level of Effort
  • Deliverable will vary by project
  • Level of effort not to exceed 18 hours
Estimated Timeline
  • Once an agreement is finalized, the client can anticipate a completion date within 60 days 
Financial Considerations
  • Fee, inclusive of all outlined above, is $2,495 CAD plus applicable taxes
  • Full amount invoiced upon acceptance and due within 30 days

Job Description Creation

Lighten your team’s workload, by outsourcing the time-consuming task of creating job descriptions to an experienced team at Stoppler Hughes. This package is tailored to capture the distinct requirements of each role and streamline your hiring process.

  • 30-minute kick-off meeting with key stakeholders
  • Audit of up to 10 roles includes
    • Responsibilities
    • Qualifications 
    • Expectations
  • Creation of up to 10 job descriptions 
Estimated Timeline
  • Once an agreement is finalized, the client can anticipate a completion date within 60 days 
Financial Considerations
  • Fee, inclusive of all outlined above, is $2,495 CAD plus applicable taxes
  • Full amount invoiced upon acceptance and due within 30 days
Human Contact

Our Communications & Creative Services Solution Partner

Employer Value Proposition Audit

Gain a high-level review of how your organization is positioned, both internally and externally, to assess the effectiveness of your employer story and make necessary modifications to elevate your success across various initiatives. A concise summary report will highlight key findings, assessing the effectiveness of your story and providing high-level next-step recommendations, allowing you to better position your organization to achieve your recruitment and retention goals.

  • 30-minute kick-off meeting with key stakeholders.
  • Review organizational positioning both internally and externally, including:
    • Mission / Vision / Values.
    • Website.
    • Job postings.
    • Job descriptions.
    • Up to 2 other platforms that convey your employer brand story (social media bios/descriptions, presentations, etc.).
  • Assess strengths and opportunities in the current status quo.
  • Highlight gaps and identify possible solutions.
Deliverable and/or Level of Effort
  • Summary report to highlight: 
    • Key findings
    • Assessment of current strengths and opportunities, with a summary of each element.
    • Perceived gaps and recommended solutions.
  • Level of effort not to exceed 10 hours.
Estimated Timeline
  • Once an agreement is finalized, the client can anticipate a completion date within 30 days. 
Financial Considerations
  • Fee, inclusive of all outlined above, is $2,495 CAD plus applicable taxes.
  • Full amount invoiced upon acceptance and due within 30 days.

Program Rollout Messaging Audit

Messaging within HR is extremely delicate, and the margin for error is slim. Furthermore, it’s often neglected and its impact on success is substantial. Ensure the effective rollout of messaging for a critical program, initiative, or policy and maximize success. Engage an external communications expert to review and audit the messaging to get the most out of your investment.

  • 30-minute kick-off meeting with key stakeholders.
  • Review program, initiative or policy rollout messaging.
  • Review of versioning (if applicable). 
  • Audit involves:
    • Review of language, call to action, technical details, tailoring to different audience types, etc.
    • If no messaging exists, engagement can be used to help draft it.
Deliverable and/or Level of Effort
  • Summary report with actionable improvements to the messaging for a program, initiative or policy rollout.
  • Identification of platforms/versioning required across different mediums.
  • Level of effort not to exceed 12 hours.
Estimated Timeline
  • Once an agreement is finalized, the client can anticipate a completion date within 30 days. 
Financial Considerations
  • Fee, inclusive of all outlined above, is $2,495 CAD plus applicable taxes.
  • Full amount invoiced upon acceptance and due within 30 days.

Business Case Audit

Significantly increase the likelihood of successfully pitching your vision with a careful review of your business case through expert eyes. This includes a comprehensive list of key recommendations to help you better position your proposal to achieve a ‘yes’ from your Executive Leadership team. It’s the little details that matter and this is a difficult task to succeed with for HR leaders with so many daily distractions.

  • 30-minute kick-off meeting with key stakeholders.
  • Review existing business cases and other applicable documentation.
  • Discuss current or upcoming business cases.
  • Identify strengths and/or potential gaps. 
Deliverable and/or Level of Effort
  • Comprehensive list of key recommendations to better position your business case, including materials (charts, diagrams, calculations) that will augment it.
  • Level of effort not to exceed 8 hours.
Estimated Timeline
  • Once an agreement is finalized, the client can anticipate a completion date within 30 days. 
Financial Considerations
  • Fee, inclusive of all outlined above, is $2,495 CAD plus applicable taxes.
  • Full amount invoiced upon acceptance and due within 30 days.
Loghrin Group Strategic HR Specialist

Our Solution Partner Community and Beyond

Custom Micro-Engagement

In crafting HR for HR offerings, it became obvious that the possibilities are almost limitless. We understand the extreme importance of offering flexible solutions due to the dynamic nature of HR. If you have anything else in mind, let’s explore together. It’s not always easy to grasp exactly what guidance you require and possibilities are vast due to the depth of our HR field. We’re committed to working with you and providing you with just what you need. Check back regularly as the list is fluid and we’ll be releasing new offerings routinely.  

Inclusive Kind logo

Our Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Solution Partner

DEI Journey Assessment

Engage the expertise of a senior DEI consultant to help successfully guide your DEI Journey. Understand your areas of challenge and opportunities with an assessment of your organization through a diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) lens. Organizations are at different stages in their DEI Journey. We meet you where you are with this offering, quickly assessing your current state and guiding your next moves efficiently and effectively.

  • 45-minute kick-off meeting with key stakeholders to:
    • Understand current state; 
    • Share goals and vision; and 
    • Identify a structure to efficiently facilitate future sessions.
  • Review applicable documentation.
  • Up to 2, 30-minute interviews with key stakeholders.
Deliverables & Level of Effort
  • Analysis report with recommendations to improve DEI practices.
  • Level of effort not to exceed 7 hours.
Estimated Timeline
  • Once an agreement is finalized, the client can anticipate a completion date within 60 days. 
Financial Considerations
  • Fee, inclusive of all outlined above, is $2,495 CAD plus applicable taxes.
  • Full amount invoiced upon acceptance and due within 30 days.
David Berman Communications logo

Our Digital Accessibility Solution Partner

The Thumbs Up / Thumbs Down Accessibility Audit Package

WCAG 2.0 or 2.1? Is it level A, AA or AAA? Eliminate your uncertainty about what compliance looks like for your website or app by leaning on an organization that specializes in online accessibility. Gain the clarity you are seeking with a comprehensive evaluation of your website or app. This package also includes consultation with an accessibility expert to understand how you can adhere to your requirements, and benefit from inclusive design.

  • A comprehensive evaluation for one website or app which includes:
    • In-depth interviews.
    • Identification of applicable regulatory requirements.
    • Product examination.
    • Summary of technical digital accessibility evaluation.
    • Assessment of compliance.
    • Formal expert opinion statement.
  • Ad hoc accessibility consultation with a certified accessibility expert.
Deliverable and/or Level of Effort
  • Summary report to highlight: 
    • Key findings.
    • Assessment of the effectiveness of your website or app.
    • Key recommendations.
  • Up to 3 hours of consultation with a certified accessibility expert.
Estimated Timeline
  • Once an agreement is finalized, the client can anticipate a completion date within 60 days. 
Financial Considerations
  • Fee, inclusive of all outlined above, is $2,495 CAD plus applicable taxes.
  • Full amount invoiced upon acceptance and due within 30 days.

Tailored Small-Group Accessibility Coaching Packages

A half-day session (live online) for a small group to learn an accessibility topic designed for HR professionals. Broaden your accessibility knowledge and put your team at ease with courses including:

  • Introduction to eAccessibility.
  • Introduction to Employment Standards.
  • Introduction to Accessible Employment and Built Environment Standards.
  • Working with Everyone: Getting Comfortable with Accessibility.
Tasks & Deliverables
  • 45-minute teleconsultation session for planning purposes.
  • Half-day virtual session to learn an accessibility topic of choice.
  • 3-hour coaching session for up to 4 participants.
Estimated Timeline
  • Once an agreement is finalized, the client can anticipate a completion date within 60 days. 
Financial Considerations
  • Fee, inclusive of all outlined above, is $2,495 CAD plus applicable taxes.
  • Full amount invoiced upon acceptance and due within 30 days.
Executrade Logo

Our Professional Recruitment Solution Partner

Staged Recruitment

A recruitment process involves many steps and is very difficult to manage. Ease the tension throughout the process for your team and lend them a helping hand. Outsource portions of your recruitment process to a team of seasoned professionals to enhance the candidate experience and onboard sooner.

  • 60-minute kick-off meeting with key stakeholders
  • Recruitment services may include
    • Job posting preparation
    • Shortlisting candidates
    • Reference checking
    • Offer letter submission
    • Notification to unsuccessful candidates
    • Behavioural interviews with your selected shortlisted candidates
    • Assistance with panel interviews
    • Background checks
    • Social media audits
Deliverable and/or Level of Effort
  • Deliverables vary based on the recruitment services selected
  • Level of effort not to exceed 12 hours
Estimated Timeline
  • Once an agreement is finalized, the client can anticipate a completion date within 60 days 
Financial Considerations
  • Fee, inclusive of all outlined above, is $2,495 CAD plus applicable taxes
  • Full amount invoiced upon acceptance and due within 30 days

Up to 40 Skills Assessments

Improve your ability to hire top candidates by verifying their skills and abilities before you make hiring decisions. With a suite of nearly 1,000 skills and technical assessments in all the latest versions of major software applications, and covering a wide variety of sectors, you can be sure that your candidates have the technical know-how to complete their tasks.

  • 30-minute kick-off meeting to define requirements
  • Technical assessments sent to your top job candidates
  • A small example of available tests
    • Excel 365
    • Office 365
    • Language composition
  • Detailed breakdown of results presented upon each candidate’s completion
Estimated Timeline
  • Once an agreement is finalized, the client will be granted access to skills assessments
Financial Considerations
  • Fee, inclusive of all outlined above, is $2,495 CAD plus applicable taxes
  • Full amount invoiced upon acceptance and due within 30 days
Outsource Payroll Solution Logo

Our Payroll Solution Partner

CRA Payroll Compliance Review

A Payroll Compliance Review helps your company identify and address areas of potential risk, ensure legal compliance, protect your reputation, and improve efficiency. It ensures your processes and procedures related to payroll are accurate and consistent. The purpose of a payroll compliance review is to identify errors, inconsistencies, or potential areas of non-compliance, and to make recommendations to improve your payroll system. It takes into account applicable legal requirements within the industry you operate in.

  • 60-minute kick-off meeting with key stakeholders
  • The scope of the review varies depending on the size and complexity of the organization, but typically includes a review of
    • Payroll records
      • Time cards
      • Pay stubs
      • Tax filings
    • Policies and procedures related to
      • Record-keeping 
      • Timekeeping 
      • Payroll processing 
  • Analysis of your organization’s payroll records, policies and procedures.
Deliverable and/or Level of Effort
  • Analysis report with actionable recommendations to resolve errors, inconsistencies, or potential areas of non-compliance 
  • Level of effort not to exceed 15 hours
Estimated Timeline
  • Once an agreement is finalized, the client can anticipate a completion date within 60 days 
Financial Considerations
  • Fee, inclusive of all outlined above, is $2,495 CAD plus applicable taxes
  • Full amount invoiced upon acceptance and due within 30 days

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